Browser settings...

Browsers like Netscape Navigator/Communicator and Mictosoft Internet Explorer were tested on both Mac and Windows95 (versions NS-Nav Gold, NS-Comm 4.x,
MS IE 4.x). The browser window should be set without toolbarls and button bars to make room for the Presveis screens. Please temporarilly hide the window panels (if you need help to do this, please click here)

Window size...

The grey arrows in the background of this page show how wide your window must be to view Presveis properly. If your screen is smaller than 15" and your system does not allow at least 800x600 screen size then you will face viewing problems.

Fonts and text...

We have used two special fonts in Presveis. These fonts are most likely already installed in your system because they are provided by Microsoft's Internet Explorer software. These fonts are Georgia and Trebuchet MS. If you don't have them istalled (or you don't have them at all) click here to visit the Microsoft site to download them and then install them.

Screen colours...

For optimal viewing, your system must support "true colour" (24-bit). However, even with 16-bit ("thousands of colours") you can view the site well. Problems with palette flushing may occur (especially on Windows machines) if only 256 colours are available. To check your colour display see the rainbow pictures below. Normally the second one should look "perfect" while the first is a match with 256 colours only.

The Presveis Settings Page

This page will give you some useful guides and settings so you will be able to view this site in the best possible way.

The settings are grouped on the right. Please, follow these suggestions so you can enjoy the site without viewing problems. If something is missing, please tell us about it so we might be able to help you.

The web (through the HTML) provides for a variety of options and restrictions to graphic designers. To keep things as simple as we could, we tried to pick options that will be met by most of you. Thus, we avoided (for this version) plug-ins, java, vrml, scripting and multimedia because most of these options are not practical enough (since they require a lot of memory, high speed lines, software version control, long downloading times, and capable and powerful computers).

In the future, technologies like these will be more feasible and media for Presveis will be added as optional additions.

This site is highly graphics oriented, needs a frames capable web browser and 15 inches monitor (600x800 screen in at least 16 bit colour).

How will I be able to hide the window panels of my browser?

On a Windows PC

Netscape Navigator 3.x

Uncheck from the Options menu the menu items so they read as in the picture at the left (in the orange coloured area).








Netscape Communicator 4.x








Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.x

Uncheck from the View menu the menu items so they read as in the picture at the left (in the orange coloured area).








On a Macintosh

Netscape Navigator 3.x

Uncheck from the Options menu the menu items so they read as in the picture at the left (in the orange coloured area).








Netscape Communicator 4.x

Uncheck from the View menu the menu items so they read as in the picture at the left (in the orange coloured area).





Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x

Uncheck from the View menu the menu items so they read as in the picture at the left (in the orange coloured area).